CFD Modeling
Our major service is Computational Fluid Dynamic modeling. Additionally, we are experts in developing special chemistry sub-models incorporated with CFD. We use advanced CFD software to analyze dynamic fluid, chemical reaction, and heat transfer problems to develop the most practical engineering solutions.
Air Pollution Control System Design
As a part of the growing air pollution control industry for two decades, we've developed, designed and optimized over 50 control systems for the utility, industrial boiling, refinery, glass and cement production industries. These systems include:
Burner design, including low-NOx burner (LNB)
Over-fire Air system (incl. advanced OFA)
SNCR system
SCR system
Dry Sorbent Injection (DSI)
Activated Carbon Injection (ACI)
FGD, baghouse, ESP optimizations
Plant Performance Evaluation and Optimization
Having been in power generation industry for two decades, we have established tremendous experience and capability in the evaluation of plant efficiency and performance. Together with CFD, thermal modeling, and process modeling capabilities, we have evaluated and improved plant systems' efficiency and cost management.